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Experience the Healing Power of Bio Energy

At Bio Energy Mayo, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness through the power of bio energy healing. Our experienced therapist, Maureen Murphy, is passionate about inspiring others to lead healthier and happier lives.

Our services include individualized bio energy healing treatments that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, stress, or other health issues, we can help you find relief and healing. Our team is committed to providing personalized care and support to help you on your journey to wellness.


    Maureen Murphy - Certified Bio Energy Therapist Maureen Murphy - Certified Reiki Practitioner Maureen Murphy - Certified Reflexologist


    Maureen Murphy - BSc (Hons) in Bio Energy Therapy Maureen Murphy - Diploma in Reflexology Maureen Murphy - Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
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